Saturday, June 10, 2023

(8) Let's Talk Sex

This subject is one which Is so vitally important. Although I recognize in myself that I am far from a good mentally place to write about this right now. I struggle with this subject typically but due to some issues going on in my life, even seeing the word throws me into a panic. So this week I will leave you with some books, talks, and articles that I have found helpful and encourage you to check out my classmate's blogs under Related Content. 

And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage Through Sexual Fulfillment - Deseret Book

Becoming One: Intimacy in Marriage - Deseret Book

Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy - Deseret Book

Sex Is Like an Apple: Don't Spoil a Good Thing - Deseret Book

Raising the Bar on Intimate Relationships | Meridian Magazine (

Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Sexuality in Marriage | Meridian Magazine (


Your Mamma Tree

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