Sunday, July 16, 2023

(14) Aren’t We the Advocate?

We are the voice for a silent generation where others have failed before. Will we falter again? If we cannot speak out for them, who will? If we cannot fight for them, who will? Countless people have passed away words and stories forever silenced through the cold clutches of death. The ages all muddle together under the heavy pretense of expectations. The injustices that fell quickly to the side upon deaf ears and drowned out by the screams of imposed norms or invalid opinions, one seen as superior to another. I know that if we don't speak up for those who cannot be an advocate for themselves, we miserably fail in protecting our own. 

It all begins before we are but a creation. Human life only falls under the value of another. Defined by societies ever wandering views of justice. Once we are born, our voice befalls upon those around us. We grow only with the knowledge of our own situation, solely reliant upon those given the right to guide and protect us. However, what happens to us when those with the voices for change remain silent, letting us fall to the world's wolves? 

Gabriel Fernandez's story is but one among the thousands which fall to the wayside, quickly forgotten in the minds of those who can make the most change. Gabriel Fernandez was but four when the first call for action went unheeded. Despite his family's concerned reports, his mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre, regained full custody of Gabriel. Throughout his 8-month stay with his guardians, Gabriel Fernandez was systematically tortured to which no human should ever be subjected. 

Bravely he turned countless times to teachers, family, and even to strangers for help. Yet despite his efforts, he was cast aside in his greatest time of need. One teacher reported the clear signs of abuse throughout this period; however, it again fell to a file folder, forgotten on a desk. For months He endured the unspeakable torture from those who should have been his safest haven. 

Despite all his efforts for freedom, his death came on the 24th of May 2013. The further investigation and autopsy revealed the abuse far proceeded that which had been reported. After all the suffering he endured, we hope he can stand as a story for others of where we have failed those who cannot speak for themselves. 

In my own life, a similar story will be found. My cries for help were viewed as marks of a child who did not know what they spoke, even to the point of mockery of the adults whose duty was to be an advocate. After years of experiencing the fall out of speaking of my abuse, I quickly learned it only brought more pain. Silence became my haven, the only ground for which I found a footing. Bruises easily hidden under clothing and pain clenched in a smile. Only once I was brought into the light of caring advocates as an adult could I speak to the atrocities in which I endured alone. But I can only speak from my own experience. 

As a five-year-old, I had no frame to which to hold my experience; they could have told me the sky was purple, and I a willing fool. Each experience pulled me deeper into mistrust, unbelief, and pure isolation in which I was surrounded. My days were made into a jungle in which there was no map. To this day, nearly 17 years later, I often find myself tangled in the web of lies that they wove. 

Having myself experienced the utter betrayal that often finds those whose words are disregarded in favor of convenience. I witnessed the darkness and pure evil that others are capable of. Only those who are willing to begin a search and rescue can find those who long since have remained silent for their own self-preservation. This silence of generations does not end at the dawn of our 18th year, even though we are given the false hope of a promised fortune. 

Age affects the weight in which our voice can swing things, but so does race, background, monetary possessions, location, and even social connections. Each has a lasting impact on the difference we can make, despite our best efforts. It seems like the dreariest picture I have weaved, bringing forth in ever-encrusting darkness that closes our view. 

However, there is hope, one which is found in numbers. When we collaborate, ignoring impudent rules placed upon us, we will be a thundering force in protecting others. We are the only ones who can truly stand for those that rely upon us. Be that as it may, we need to use our voices to the fullest impact they hold. When we stop ignoring the signs of those suffering, we will finally be able to bring justice fully to those who are deserving. 

One story this is proven in is the organization Operation Underground Railroad. The founder of Operation Underground Railroad is a man named Tim Ballard. Tim Ballard worked for over a decade as a special agent for Homeland Security. He worked in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) and was an undercover officer in child sex trafficking. After realizing the ever-growing call to action in these cases, Tim Ballard bravely left all he knew and started Operation Underground Railroad. The organization focuses on finding sex trafficking rings, bringing those responsible to justice, giving the victims a safe retreat supplying an area of recovery to heal from all that befell them. 

Since the organization of Operation Underground Railroad in 2013, thousands of victims have been saved and given a new chance at life. Operation Underground Railroad additionally gives a platform to those willing to speak out about the evils they experience for those who never got the chance. As a victim of sex trading myself, I know what vast importance is needed to help. What was unusual and wrong quickly became regular and daily. Even as an adult, many people brush off the existence of these atrocities simply because it is awful. Yet they forget that we never got a choice. Taken, used, and thrown away like a pre-owned tissue.

I found that people's reactions cut me deeper than silence ever did. I went through years of searching, looking for those willing to listen and act. Once I connected with Operation Underground Railroad, I was able to provide critical information that helped save many lives. If we are ready to stand up despite the obstacles, it makes an ever world of difference to those who cannot stand on their own. I know that when we are willing to speak up, we bridge the gap to those who never received the chance. 

We stand in the way of the silencing of a generation, and we are the only ones who can truly bring out the change that is needed in the world. If we do not fight for them, who will? If we do not speak now, who will? Only together can we speak up for those who have been silenced. 

We are the voice for a silent generation where others have failed; Will we falter again? If we cannot speak out for them, who will? If we cannot fight for them, who will? Countless people have passed away words and stories forever silenced through the cold clutches of death. The ages all muddle together under the heavy pretense of expectations. The injustices that fell quickly to the side upon deaf ears and drowned out by the screams of imposed norms or invalid opinions, one seen as superior to another. We can finally be a voice to those who do not have one, only by working together.